Hello again and sorry for the absence, it seems we already have following who are keen to see what loveliness and journeys we have been having so here we go...
Well how was your Jubilee weekend ? Ours liked I'd mentioned in a previous post was to be filled with family activities, some focus on the littlies and even a short focus on me and mr loveliness. Mmmm strange how things can take a turn and the unplanned crops up!
So we kicked off Friday evening with the youngest minimini1 being popped to bed at 6.50pm (& went down a treat as always), Mr.L and mini1 took the hound out to the woods and I prepped supper. Well 40 minutes later the door went and a sad face looked up "I've been sick...I've got bugs in my tummy" Yes the D&V bug going around for what seems forever and we have successfully avoided decided to share itself with us at the start of the holiday!
I won't go into the rest of the evening as it's not that pretty, very tiring with little sleep and sad faces, but I'm sure you get the idea!
Unfortunately the next day; Saturday, mini1 did not leave her room, we had to miss the day of magicians and face painting but if I fast forward to Monday afternoon the neighbourhood party took place and the girls made crowns in the morning and waved their flags too.
There was some confusion about Queen Lizzies absence...."we can't start yet, Queen Lizzie hasn't got here" followed by "why is she not having the party at her house and we all go there?" questions soon dropped when the singing and play started and picnics began.
In the end all was good, the weather was dry and the family were together (almost) Mr L had to stay behind and attend to some emergency, not animal related but DIY!
crowns modelled by Lennie (by ceramist Olivia Brown)
but where is the queen?