Sunday, 30 June 2013

Show and tell...,

Tomorrow is mini beasts and bugs lesson and mini1 will be taking in her homemade banana and honey loaf with the honey from our very own honey bees. 
Photos of the process and a few props; honey!, frames, honeycombs are ready to be passed around as is the loaf. 
We also thought a little simplified doodle of the processes would be fun too.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Look at my jewels

Following on from a week of indoor craft and makery fun, the sun arrived friday and has continued to shine so today we enjoyed taking our makery tools outside and minimini1 got busy making pipe cleaner and bead bracelets.
This is a really lovely little makery project as it helps concentration, colour picking, coordination, portable, no mess and a lovely piece of jewellery afterwards.
Here's what we used, minimini1's pieces and a bit of the action too....