Wednesday, 30 May 2012

same but oh sooo different!

Okay then if you read the last post which really there wasn't much there at all except for the illustration with 'boy' underneath you may have got the idea that I was a little surprised by the confirmed news this afternoon that we are pregnant with a boy. YES I WAS SURPRISED!  Happy? YES! but still surprised and I tell you why, I am exactly the same as I was with both of the girls:
- no pregnancy symptoms apart from the initial obvious one, but no morning sickness (lucky I know)
- no weight gain especially apart from the obvious but again as the others small bump which to those who don't know even at 5 months do not notice
- no cravings as such but the same favourite foods as with the girls; citrus and berry fruits, salt and vinegar and not really going off foods
So at the end of the scan the sonographer said "you wanted to know the sex?" "yes" we both replied and although Mr Loveliness is denying it now he did think they were going to say "a girl" but the sonographer didn't instead he said "well it's a boy" I shot up and pretty loudly announced "No way, OMG, how's that? you are joking?" mmmm I know a little OTT! The sonographer must have thought I was a little bit crazy as he then went one step further zoomed in and hovered the mouse towards "well that looks like a penis to me!" 'Oh yeah right' I replied thinking oh goodness mini1 is in for a shock because there has been no telling her this could be a boy as much as it could be a girl as she too has been adamant that the baby is called Lovely and Lovely is a girl! We now know she is a he and I'll let you know how the idea of a brother goes down with the mini1's soon.

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