Saturday 30 March 2013

High 5 ..... Easter pins

Pinterest is a truly wonderful world, all about fabulous finds, sharing, giving, inspiring and like minded inspirational peeps for you to pin with, follow and communicate.
As there is still time to add a little easter crafting to the weekend here are the easter pins I think are the high fives for this easter.

To follow and visit links to the actual source and of course to be egg-cited (sorry) by more pins just click over to and visit any of the boards bout if you want these five visit the easter board.

gliTTer eGGs

Happy Easter all, bonnet making and parade during the week, family Easter egg hunt tomorrow and today more crafts to add to the Easter tree....
1. Start off with your local free range eggs
2. Wash, blow and save (smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for lunch!)
3. Pick your decorating props, today we have paint and glitter
4. Go go go and enjoy !

For more ideas come back later or have a go with felts, stickers, tape, glue, beads and well you get the idea anything goes x

Sunday 24 March 2013

What I see....

Each and every day the very first look I have as I open my eyes is that of either one of the three children or Mr Loveliness, perfect start to the day (and especially so when it's after 6.30am!)
I then pop to the bathroom and see the day, white over this morning and then down the stairs to another few of my favourite sights.
I love flowers and colour and if we don't have cut ones around the house then we always have these. What's so lovely is the children like them too and take interest in the works, textures, colour and have a go themselves.
Here are a few of our floral ones I'd like to share with you today.....

Saturday 23 March 2013

easTer bOnneTs

So mini1 came home yesterday with the easter bonnet letter in her book bag..... next Tuesday there will be an easter bonnet competition and egg hunt.
"We must make it now mummy, now, quick,"
Well yes we need to be zippy with it but Friday night was not the time instead we had a rummage in our craft cupboard for pipe cleaners, pom-poms, tissue paper and chicks and then up to the dressing up box for a hat and down to the cellar for the hot glue gun. All was then ready for when the time was right (before Tuesday) to get this hat done and paraded.

Today was not really going to be the bonnet making day as we had plans to go to a lovely party but mini mini1 had a bad croup attack and all plans have changed, so what better than be jolly making tissue paper flowers, nests and a jolly hat..... here is the bonnet and a cheery chickie one too currently being modelled by Lennie!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Home Delivery

Well I'm glued! Are you?
Home delivery tonight on itv is one hour dedicated to home births.
Six months ago we experienced our third home delivery and had two amazing independent midwives with us all the way. We were asked to be part if the programme but declined, as mini#3 came 5 weeks early and hubby dipped out to put a dog on a drip it was probably for the best but I promise to share my wonderful experience in full one day with you. Happy viewing xx