Tuesday 24 December 2013

Five minutes of Christmas Eve .....

I'm grabbing 5 mins to sit and write a post......
Before I start many wishes and joy to you all. 
So, here we are or rather here I am!!! In the kitchen.....radio 4 on......goose sizzling away in the aga (big thank you to my sis-in-law for Jamie Oliver's day before goose recipe), oranges sliced, cinnamon and herbs crushed and then the distant background noise of the children giggling and dancing to Christmas tunes whilst Mr Loveliness lounges feeling the need to rest.
I have another companion here with me in the form of a Giant African Land Snail.....an early christmas gift! he is munching through the banana and cucumber the girls gave him and seems in good festive spirit, I wonder what he thinks of all the sounds and aromas that fill the room.
The children have made some creative festive treasures and I thought I'd share this one and hope you've all been especially good this year and he visits you later tonight....merry Christmas xx

Sunday 1 December 2013

happY aDvent sUnDay

1st December or as mini1 shouted out "it's December once today, yippeeeeeeee". I recall posting this day last year and I cannot believe how the year has flown by (yes I'm sounding old-er) we've enjoyed happy adventures, changes, developments, moments that have made us stop and think and here we are all a year older and our three mini1's have a different understanding about Christmas and his time of year.
As always though excitement flows through the house as we celebrate the first day of this month, this year we have no traditional advent calendars I decided on making each day a game of sorts and today's game is to hunt the parcel. The girls had their clue and off they went to return shortly with the parcel number one!
Here is the findings.......