Tuesday 14 May 2013

Thank you bees....

it was only a few weeks back, Easter Sunday I recall! where I had laryngitis, sore throat, no voice but fear not, patience and spoonfuls of manuka honey got me through.
Well since then we have had the mini ones (middle and baby) have high fevers, croup, ear, chest, throat infection and an awful virus so I guess it was only a matter of time due to my lack of sleep and the constant being coughed, sneezed and spluttered at that I may get something else....I have!
However with another big thank you to the wonders of manuka honey and a certain anti bacterial antiseptic throat spray, hot fresh lemon and honey drinks I have managed to blow that throat infection that had started to attempt to take residence on my tonsils too and turn it around.
I look forward to the day when all three mini1's can have a spoonful of honey to naturally help and assist their immune systems if need be, and really it tastes so good it's like a little daily treat that's doing good. I recommend a pot on everyone's shelf, also a good supply of lemons, hot lemon and honey or homemade lemonade, delicious!

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