Monday 3 September 2012

I blame the moon!

I can't tell you how it upsets, annoys and gets me when our days together go wrong. I don't expect a 'perfect' day because well what is 'perfect'? but i guess what i really mean is I just want happy family days, fun, limited amounts of screaming and as they only come around once a week at the moment then 'together' is a huge start!!
During the night I had one of my frequent bathroom visits and couldn't help but notice the beaming moon shining in so for now I'm blaming yesterdays family day outcome on the moon!
What happened I hear you say......
Starts off Mini1 has appeared to lose interest in anything and everything......My Loveliness offers her with the choice after our very happy lovely breakfast together if she'd like to join him on the dog walk, usually it's a no thought "Yeeeeesss" but not yesterday, "No thank you Daddy I'd like to stay here with Mummy". Okay I think to myself I have both minis here and i'm getting this paranoid labour feeling coming on! I know it's too early at almost 33+ weeks but Mini1 came at 36+ and both came very quick so you really don't know. The Braxton hicks are unbelievable in there frequency and strength but I must keep telling myself they're only Braxton hicks.
So here I am at home with the Mini's starts off ok then off goes the telephone, now the one thing that Mini1 has an interest in is the telephone and expresses it ! Minimini1 has also started to notice and would like it too, the result is I have to put it down as the pressure is actually making me feel more sick and paranoid, they do eventually settle into happy sisterly play together with the play kitchen (which later Mr L confiscates!!)
Day progresses we check out a new park, not totally prepared for its paddling pool section which both girls want to go in and Minimini1 expresses very loudly her unhappiness in not being allowed to go in! Mr L gets more frustrated and annoyed we leave in a cloud of screaming noise.
I read stories and eventually get some kind of calm and quiet in the car only to arrive home and Minimini1 starts again because she wants Mamma not Dadda to get her out of the car!!
We don't eat together, I get in and do a kiddie sitting and later we have ours, so much for the family roast!
I like to read back and reflect on posts with fond memories, I have not put in the whole days/weekends events here because frankly this is enough for me, I have left out the (solo) shifting of 3 tons of logs, the toy confiscation (now almost empty bedroom of Mini1), my breakdown of tears which felt like very early baby blues (hope to avoid these come the time!). Sometimes I can think that the not great day wasn't really that bad but then when we went to bed Mr L said those words "What an awful weekend it's been after a very hard week with another to follow" I felt for him because it is hard for him too.
We are soon to become five which brings its own pleasure and difficulties and although I'd never change my life and children and baby on it's way I do sometimes look back and realise how very easy life used to be.
I hope Mr L has an okay week, of course I want the business to be busy but not so much so that we get burn out. Since the 14 December 2011 he has only has Sundays not at the surgery but even then he is on call 24/7, he is tired and will get increasingly so (as will I!) but I hope we get a jolly weekend this one to lighten the load.
Well I'm not too sure how this reads probably a bit jumbled but as always I'm having a juggle moment!
I'm off for now and will return with happy stories ( I remain the optimist!)

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